Analisi Tecnica del corso - Grafico Modello Corso In questa pagina youll trovare una breve introduzione ad alcuni dei più importanti modelli di grafico ogni operatore deve conoscere. L'analisi tecnica è lo studio dell'azione mercato principalmente attraverso l'utilizzo di grafici, ai fini della previsione dei futuri andamento del mercato. Si presuppone tre cose: sconti azione per il mercato tutto. Prezzo si muove a tendenze. La storia si ripete. I seguenti modelli sono i più riconosciuti e seguiti. Seguiamo attivamente e li chiamiamo nel nostro live Trading Room. 1-2-3 CONTINUAZIONE MODELLO: Criteri: 1. Barra della vasta gamma rottura di supporto. 2. bar ristretta gamma nearat gli alti del precedente bar vasta gamma. Spesso questo bar intervallo ristretto è anche un bar gamma interna. Ingresso: Passare a un arco di tempo più piccolo e prendere una rottura dalla base o utilizzare al di sopra dei massimi della barra ristretta gamma di bar 2. Arrestare: Sotto i minimi di base o ultima grande perno basso del lasso di tempo più piccolo, sotto la minimi della barra intervallo ristretto, o sotto i minimi del terzo bar al momento della messa a punto. Target: Bar 1 Bar 3 2b SETUP: Criteri: un alto seguita da un alto leggermente superiore. Ingresso: come l'alto dei primi alti rompe su un pullback dal secondo alto. Ingresso alternativo (utilizzato da Toni): sotto le barre precedenti minimi dopo la seconda alta è fatto. Per esempio, se i minimi della barra rendendo il secondo alto è di 50, l'ingresso è sotto 50. L'unica volta che non è sotto la barra che ha reso il secondo alto è se questo alto è seguita da una barra gamma interna, quindi si può usare una pausa nei minimi della barra gamma interna. Stop: Nel corso della seconda alta. Obiettivo: il prezzo o in movimento sostegno medio. Ascendente TRIANGLE: Criteri: EqualNearly pari alti e bassi più elevati su come diminuire il volume. Ingresso: Breakout dalle linee di tendenza su superiore quindi volume medio come le linee di tendenza convergono. Stop: Sotto i minimi di base o ultima grande perno basso del lasso di tempo minore o sotto i minimi della barra di setup. Obiettivi: Equal distanza su una rottura paragonabile alla distanza tra la prima bassa alta e primo triangolo. triangoli Crescente tendono a breakout superiore. Valanghe: Criteri: 1. tendenza rialzista 2. Più forte di raduno media. 3. Pullback di 3-5 barre paragonabile o più forte di raduno precedente, di solito ad aumentare di volume, di spostare il supporto media (in genere il 10, 20 o 30 sma.) 4. Abbracci il supporto media mobile a diminuire il volume. 4-5 bar media. 5. Le medie mobili iniziano a convergere (10 e 20 SMA se la sua costituzione il 20 SMA.) Ingresso: Passa a più piccolo lasso di tempo ed entrare in una ripartizione a sostegno o andare in resistenza. Stop: Negli attuali o precedenti giorni massimi. Di solito si utilizzerà giorni attuali alti o resistenza intraday. Obiettivo: prossimo grande di media mobile semplice. Esempio 1: BASANDO TRADING RANGE CONGESTIONE CONSOLIDAMENTO Bear Flag: Criteri: 1. tendenza al ribasso. 2. pullback Gentle alla resistenza, come il 20 sma, a diminuire di volume. Ingresso: Sotto il precedente bar minimi o utilizzando una ripartizione intraday, come una rottura nella linea di tendenza rialzista della bandiera. Volume dovrebbe iniziare a prendere in questo momento per confermare l'impostazione. Stop: sopra le barre precedenti massimi o superiore resistenza intraday. Obiettivo: nuovi minimi, di solito in alto volume. Criteri: Una gamma basetrading in alti o bassi. Entry: Un breakout nella più recente tratto della linea trading range o tendenza nella direzione del trend prima della gamma di commercio. Può anche prendere una voce in movimento sostegno medio nel caso di un lungo e sma resistenza in caso di corto. Stop: Sotto semplice supporto media mobile come ad esempio i 15 minuti 20 sma nel caso di una configurazione sul grafico 15 minuti o sotto l'ultimo perno basso all'interno del trading range. Obiettivo: Moving resistenza media (come il 15 minuti 200 SMA), la resistenza dei prezzi (come ad esempio un perno precedente), o una mossa uguale a quello prima della trading range in movimento fuori del trading range. Esempio: IBC è stato menzionato in camera Trading Live su 7.162.002 di guardare su 7.172.002 e di nuovo la mattina su 717 come Daytrade breakout. BULL modello di bandiera: Criteri: 1. trend rialzista. 2. pullback delicato per sostenere, come ad esempio il 10 o 20 SMA, a diminuire il volume. Ingresso: Sopra il precedente bar alti o utilizzando un breakout intraday, come una rottura nella linea di trend al ribasso della bandiera. Volume dovrebbe iniziare a prendere in questo momento per confermare l'impostazione. Stop: sotto le barre precedenti massimi o al di sotto di resistenza intraday. Obiettivo: nuovi massimi BULL TRAP - Una configurazione gap: Criteri: 1. Un modello quotidiano rialzista. Preferibilmente in cui il mercato si apre ai minimi e chiude ai massimi. 2. Un gap down al mattino, in generale sulla notizia, per cui il titolo si apre in corrispondenza o sotto i giorni precedenti minimi. Ingresso: Break in 5 minuti minimi (A) o un setup intraday come ad esempio una rottura di una base ai minimi (B) o una bandiera orso. Stop: A seconda dell'obiettivo e l'ingresso. Su una pausa in 5 minuti bassi per un giorno o swingtrade è possibile utilizzare al di sopra dei 5 massimi minuti. Per configurazioni ripartizione intraday utilizzare una sosta nel corso degli ultimi 5-7 bar o sopra intraday significativo movimento di resistenza media. Lo stesso vale per le bandiere orso intraday. Per la posizione commerci usano il massimo del giorno precedente o nei giorni attuali alti. Obiettivi: Equal distanza su una rottura paragonabile alla distanza tra la prima bassa alta e primo triangolo. NUCLEO BUY SETUP: Criteri: 1. trend rialzista. 2. pullback delicato di 3-5 bar media dalla 10-20 mobile semplice zona di media a diminuire il volume. Ingresso: sopra le barre precedenti massimi o utilizzando un breakout intraday. Volume dovrebbe prendere in questo momento per confermare l'impostazione. Stop: sotto le barre precedenti minimi o sotto il supporto intraday. Obiettivo: nuovi massimi. Esempio: CBH è stato dato nel Trading Room Live 424 come un Core Buy swingtrade. NUCLEO SETUP BREVE: Criteri: 1. tendenza al ribasso. 2. pullback delicato di 3-5 bar media dalla 10-20 mobile semplice zona di media resistenza a diminuire il volume. Ingresso: sotto le barre precedenti minimi o utilizzando una ripartizione intraday. Volume dovrebbe iniziare a prendere in questo momento per confermare l'impostazione. Stop: sopra le barre precedenti massimi o superiore resistenza intraday. Obiettivo: nuovi minimi, di solito in alto volume. TAZZA CON MANICO: Un tipo di Phoenix. Criteri: Uno stock che esce da una tendenza al ribasso con bassi arrotondati che mette in una leggermente inferiore alto e poi tira indietro a poco a poco a mettere in un basso più alto. Ingresso: Su un breakout oltre la linea di pullback. Ci sarà spesso un crossover media mobile (come ad esempio una croce nel sma 10 e 20) Stop: Sotto bassi del pullback. Obiettivo: Highs dell'inizio della tazza o una mossa uguale di pullback rispetto a muoversi fuori dei livelli bassi. TESTA SPALLE AMP: Criteri: Alta (spalla sinistra), seguita da un più alto alto (testa) e quindi una minore alto (spalla destra), che è paragonabile alla spalla sinistra. Ingresso: Ripartizione dalla scollatura. La scollatura collega i minimi su entrambi i lati della testa. ingresso alternativo e preferito sta usando un orso ripartizione bandiera di entrare dopo che la spalla destra si è formata. Stop: Negli ultimi perno alto o 20 semplice destinazione resistenza media mobile: precedenti prezzi di inversione e zone di supporto come ad esempio 5 minuti a 200 SMA se l'installazione avviene sul grafico di 15 minuti. Esempio: Il Nasdaq è stato dato nel Trading Room Live 531 come spalle amp avviso mercato Head. (053.102 10:41:54 ltTonigt mercato Alert: spalle 15 minuti Nasdaq Headamp) OOPS GIORNALIERE Buy: Criteri: bar Ampia gamma in aumento del volume (preferibilmente ad un forte livello di supporto) Ingresso: superiore a 5 minuto alto su un gap up o un intraday breakout ai massimi. Stop: Sotto giorni attuali o precedenti minimi Obiettivo: resistenza prezzo, a 5 minuti a 200 sma, a 15 minuti 200 SMA, 10 amp 20 giorni sma. Questo è a 12 - 1 12 giorni hold, a seconda dell'obiettivo. Gagliardetti ZEPPE criteri: 1. Tendenza al ribasso 2. Richiamo superiore di 3-5 bar paragonabili o più forti rispetto alle precedenti declino, di solito off bassi su alto volume, a 20 semplice movimento di resistenza media 3. Abbracci il movimento sostegno medio a diminuire il volume. 4-5 bar media. 4. Le medie mobili iniziano a convergere (10 e 20 SMA se la sua costituzione il 20 SMA.) Ingresso: Passa a più piccolo lasso di tempo ed entrare in un breakout della resistenza Andor il 20sma. Stop: in base ai precedenti o attuali giorni minimi su una configurazione quotidiana. Di solito userò giorni attuali bassi o una pausa nel supporto intraday. Obiettivo: prossimo grande di media mobile semplice. Ad esempio, una configurazione sul grafico a 2 minuto ha l'obiettivo di 5 minuti 20 sma e una configurazione sul grafico a 5 minuto ha un obiettivo di 15 minuti 20 sma. Anche guardare per le pari mosse. TESTA E SPALLE REVERSE criteri generali: Basso (spalla sinistra) seguito da un più basso basso (testa) e quindi un più alto basso (spalla destra), che è paragonabile alla spalla sinistra. Ingresso: Break più alto dalla scollatura. La scollatura collega gli alti su entrambi i lati della testa. ingresso alternativo e preferito sta usando una Phoenix per entrare dopo che la spalla destra si è formata. Stop: Sotto il passato perno basso o 20 semplici target supporto media mobile: precedenti prezzi di inversione e zone di resistenza, come 5 minuti a 200 SMA se l'installazione avviene sul grafico di 15 minuti. Anche tutta la resistenza serie. Criteri SIMMETRICO TRIANGLE: massimi inferiori e superiori bassi su come diminuire il volume. Ingresso: Breakout dalle linee di tendenza su superiore quindi volume medio come le linee di tendenza convergono. Stop: Sotto i minimi di base o ultima grande perno basso del lasso di tempo minore o sotto i minimi della barra di impostazione, nel caso di un acquisto. Obiettivi: Equal distanza su una rottura paragonabile alla distanza tra la prima bassa alta e primo triangolo. triangoli simmetriche tendono a risolversi nella direzione della tendenza generale. Ci sono eccezioni, principalmente a una forte resistenza nel caso di un trend al rialzo o di un forte sostegno nel caso di una tendenza al ribasso. Questo tende ad essere uno dei modelli più difficile per i commercianti per imparare ad usare con successo. Per informazioni approfondite si prega di vedere il mio giorno di negoziazione ebook copia 1998-2003 Tutte le informazioni presentate è di proprietà di TradingFromMainStreet e del Gruppo Bastiat, Inc. Copyright 2016 copiare DayTradingCoachDont perdere il quotJoke Of The Monthquot alla fine di questo articolo. (Estratto da The Twist LETSaholic) tenere il punteggio Niente di più, la mia filosofia è LETS 8230 Don8217t pensare LETS punti come dollari. Pensare a loro come favori. LETS favori. E 'stato facile per me accettare questo atteggiamento perché il mio primo contatto con immobili membri, al NM LETS stare insieme, li ha presentati nello stesso modo. Essi offrivano i loro servizi a me senza alcun accenno di me obbligando a dare di nuovo loro. Poi, quando Robert pedalato fino a casa mia 8211 forse su un giro hour8217s 8211 e mi ha dato un massaggio che è durato per due ore lunghe ed estremamente rilassante, ho sentito che stava facendo nello stesso modo premuroso. Mi chiedo didn8217t per un massaggio di due ore, ma Robert notato che i miei muscoli erano molto stretti 8211 a causa di stress e 8211 massaggio aggiuntivo necessario, così ha fatto ciò che era meglio per me. E quando mi sono offerto volontario per progettare la newsletter CampD LETS, ogni volta che ero sconcertato e aveva bisogno di aiuto, è stato dato a me in una sola volta e senza esitazione. Sono molto simili ai più, quindi sono sicuro che avrei essere riluttanti a 8220give8221 se ho sentito il LETS membri stavano cercando di approfittare di me. È la natura umana di trattare le persone come ti trattano, in modo che quando LETS membri hanno dato a me disinteressatamente, ho dato di nuovo loro nello stesso modo. Questo è l'atteggiamento ho cercato di infondere in ogni LETS membro sono venuto in contatto con da allora lascia. Così che cosa è un LETS punto per me Vorrei iniziare dicendo che la vista generalmente accettato da tutti consente alle persone è che un LETS punto non è in contanti, o moneta federale, e sono d'accordo. Tuttavia, non mi sento una visione confortevole LETS punti come moneta alternativa con un valore equivalente in denaro. Io preferisco interpretare LETS punti come essendo come LETS favori. Che ha sempre fatto di trading più piacevole per me. Mi piace fare favori per i membri e mostrare apprezzamento genuino per il favore 8211 in LETS punti. Si doesn8217t niente di meglio di quella vista mi LETS più simile a un gruppo di auto-aiuto volontario in cui le persone che la pensano in una comunità locale danno il loro tempo ed esperienza per aiutare i loro compagni membri e si sentono accolti a chiedere lo stesso in cambio 8230 altrettanto farebbero dalla famiglia e dagli amici. Ma piuttosto che fare tutto questo porzione senza alcuna registrazione a tutti, mantenendo LETS conti permette al gruppo di tenere traccia delle attività members8217 in modo che possano bilanciare le proprie attività commerciali in modo equo, sapendo che una volta che i loro conti sono tornati a zero, hanno dato alla gruppo tanto quanto hanno ricevuto. In sostanza, it8217s solo una questione di tenere il punteggio e niente di più. Questo è come mi piace spiegare LETS conti ai nuovi membri: il LETS funzione di gruppi è quella di agire come contabile per le loro attività membri la conservazione dei dati di questi 8216favours8217 e mettendo i membri conti in credito o di debito di conseguenza. Un conto che è in credito identifica un membro che ha dato più favori di quello che ha ricevuto, e un conto che è in debito identifica un membro che ha ricevuto più favori di quello che ha dato. Questi crediti non hanno alcun valore e non possono essere scambiati con denaro. Il loro unico scopo è quello di tenere traccia di ogni coinvolgimento member8217s nel gruppo in modo che possano mirare a portare i loro conti a zero 8211 un segno di partecipazione giusto ed equo nel sistema. La presentazione che ho dato a LETS gruppi in tutto il mondo è stato giustamente intitolato 8230 LETS Bomboniere: Migliorare il tuo stile di vita attraverso consente ho notato il maggiore impatto che ho avuto su un pubblico è stato quando hanno afferrato il concetto di LETS favori. Quella mente-shift ha prodotto un paio di risultati sono molto orgoglioso di: un immediato aumento delle iscrizioni 8211 la metà degli ospiti tra il pubblico uniti nella stessa notte 8211 e un aumento nel commercio per il mese successivo (di solito circa il trenta per cento). Il tipo di feedback che ho ricevuto da membri del pubblico, in particolare da parte dei membri non attivi era, 8220I sento molto più felice di negoziazione se penso I8217ll essere aiutare people8221. Così, sembrava che i membri preferiscono commerciare quando hanno pensato di LETS punti 8216favours8217 piuttosto che 8216money8217. Ho anche scoperto che concentrandosi su aiutare i membri di una comunità costruita spirito all'interno del gruppo, e messo un tono più amichevole su ogni commercio. Questo mi ha motivato molto di più che essere motivato dal profitto. Per quanto mi riguardava, LETS punti non hanno alcun valore monetario. Essi semplicemente rappresentato il valore di apprezzamento da parte degli Stati che erano stati assistiti. Il LETS membri mi hanno aiutato nel corso degli anni sapeva che non ero obbligato ad aiutarli. Trading attraverso LETS non è mai obbligatoria era sempre 8211 ed è ancora 8211 opzionale. I membri erano grati per avere il mio aiuto, infatti, alcun aiuto. Era evidente quanto sia riconoscente erano perché quando ho eseguito servizi faticose per i membri del 8211 come la falciatura del prato, la pittura e rimozioni rifiuti 8211 mi hanno sempre offerto snack e bevande. Non hanno mai nemmeno lamentati se il mio lavoro non era 8216spot on8217. Perché dovrebbero Vuoi che si lamentano per il prossimo, se ha accettato di aiutare con qualche lavoretto noioso Wouldn8217t basta essere grati che ha accettato di essere lì e aiutare come meglio poteva che era come una comunità di spirito è stato costruito all'interno del gruppo. Fu così che il commercio è diventato un'attività più amichevole e più divertente. E fu così che ho visto LETS: un gruppo di auto-aiuto volontario di membri che erano disposti ad aiutarsi a vicenda nei momenti di bisogno. Ecco un esempio dettagliato della cura e condivisione che ha avuto luogo con i miei consente padroni di casa mentre ero in viaggio all'estero 8230 IT8217S CHI CURA E CONDIVISIONE Nel marzo 2004, Kit, il mio LETS ospite in Kitchener (Ontario, Canada) ha chiesto, 8220Can dipingi una stanza per me8221 Ora, si doveva tenere tale richiesta in prospettiva. Il soggiorno Kitchener è stato originariamente doveva essere solo per una settimana: gennaio 11-18. Nove e mezzo settimane più tardi, però, ero ancora lì parte un paio di settimane trascorse in Welland, Brantford, Montreal, Granby, Ottawa e Toronto, ho passato il resto del mio tempo a Kitchener 8230 e sembrava vorrei essere lì per altri sette settimane, il che rende un totale di oltre tre mesi non ero l'abitudine di stare nello stesso posto per così tanto tempo la mia permanenza media con un ospite era circa una settimana. Ma le cose si è rivelato in questo modo quando i miei piani per visitare il Sud America è sceso attraverso un paio di mesi prima. Non solo, ma Kit anche organizzato: due spettacoli del mio gioco, La gloria di Atene tre impegni parlando con i gruppi Toastmasters locali a notte omicidio mistero di un fine settimana campeggio invernale con trentasette altri canadesi folli una visita ad una fattoria Emu un ascensore a Montreal, che era un disco di sei ore due ascensori a Toronto e ritorno (un'ora ogni modo) un viaggio di sci di fondo e un gioco di hockey su ghiaccio 8230 più il mio giorno per giorno le esigenze, come è stato originariamente richiesto quando ho contatto prima fatto con KW Barterworks, il LETS Kit gruppo apparteneva. Il mio impegno per il gruppo LETS, e il loro impegno a me, si è conclusa dopo la mia prima settimana, in modo che tutti quelli extra erano stati forniti da Kit. Quando le visite ai paesi del Sud America hanno dovuto essere annullati, Kit immediatamente offerto di ospitare me un po ', perché ero l'ospite di viaggio ideale Here8217s perché: ho lavato i piatti ogni giorno regolarmente spalato la neve dai sentieri e strada privata in tutto il casa ho registrato un nome di dominio per Kit8217s sito web aziendale ho anche fornito il web hosting ho dato pagina web design lezioni ed ero buona compagnia ad avere intorno, avere sempre qualcosa di positivo da dire. Il più che ho fatto per il mio ospite, più il mio ospite ha fatto per me. E 'stato tutto sulla cura e la condivisione, e detto questo, io wasn8217t andando a dipingere una stanza 8230 stavo andando a dipingere l'intero piano terra uno straccio che era di quattro camere e una scala, il che significava sverniciatura di sconto su tutti i lavorazione del legno 8211 porte, finestre, battiscopa, e scala compilando le crepe nell'intonaco poi dipingere i soffitti e pavimenti. Perché wouldn8217t Ho Durante i miei viaggi, ci sono stati molti momenti in cui ho avuto 8216given more8217 o 8216received more8217 che il nostro accordo originario aveva stipulato. Per essere onesti, ho trovato i miei ospiti hanno superato i loro obblighi in quasi ogni singola occasione. Ecco alcuni esempi che ricordo dalla mia europea e africana LETS Parlando Tour nel 2002: In Inghilterra, ho avuto l'uso di una bicicletta per una settimana e ripagato il favore facendo qualche ora di casa rinnovando per un altro membro. Anche in Inghilterra, ho pulito la cucina, bagno e toilette. Ho avuto nessun extra in cambio, ma sapevo il mio ospite si aspettava un visitatore per il prossimo paio di giorni, e perché stava lavorando tutto il giorno, ha wouldn8217t avere abbastanza tempo per pulire quelle stanze se stesso. Così ho fatto per lui, e quando si è a casa si couldn8217t credere ai suoi occhi In Spagna, ho lavato i piatti, una mattina, mentre i miei ospiti stavano dormendo. Volevo solo essere utile. In Norvegia, mi hanno dato un massaggio polinesiano e ripagato il favore aiutando in un paio di modi prima di partire. Dettagli Capitolo 3 In Sud Africa, ho ottenuto il mio primo assaggio di lavoro il mio culo fuori per LETS. Stavo dando un massimo di tre LETS presentazioni ogni giorno per quattro giorni, e dal quinto giorno ho perso la voce Come potete vedere, abbiamo solo aiutati a vicenda, quando possibile. Ma sto divagando, in modo da tornare a dipingere quelle quattro camere per Kit 8230 Quando è stata l'ultima volta che hai spogliato 8230 vernice, che è. Beh, ho permesso solo due giorni per sverniciatura. Nel frattempo, sei giorni dopo ero ancora stripping ho avuto un paio di giorni di agonia levigatura del legno per una finitura pulita. Perché agonizzante Perché non ho usato carta vetrata ho usato lana d'acciaio imbevuta di trementina minerale. Molto presto ho scoperto che l'applicazione di pressione con i pollici ha dato i migliori risultati. Purtroppo, ha fatto loro fanno male così tanto che non ho potuto schioccare le dita per sei giorni Proprio così io non stavo eseguendo il mio gioco in quel periodo, perché quando ho giocato il ruolo di Archimede, schioccando le dita è una parte essenziale del mio agire in ciò che iniziato come un semplice lavoro di vernice week-end, si è rivelato essere una pena autoinflitta della durata di circa tre settimane. I risultati, tuttavia, erano molto utile e non ho mai rimpianto per un momento. Come ho fatto a fare per il mio lavoro in modo molto organizzato 8230 come tutto il resto che ho fatto. Ecco il tempo impiegato: giorno - una di pianificazione e riorganizzazione quattro stanze giorno - una di svuotamento tre sale di tutto il giorno mobili - uno di rimozione di una striscia di carta da parati, riempiendo le crepe della parete e settanta-nove buche, la riparazione di una maniglia della porta , la rimozione di intonaco sciolto dal soffitto della cucina, l'acquisto di vernici e pittura attrezzature - sei giorni di sverniciatura off giorni la lavorazione del legno - due di levigatura - due giorni di pittura - e una giornata di sostituire mobili nelle camere e impilamento libri e CD di nuovo in scaffali . Che hanno completato tre sale della pittura prima ho dovuto lasciare il mio Ottawa LETS viaggio. Tuttavia, al mio ritorno ho completato il lavoro dipingendo la cucina pure. Che ha preso un altro: giorni - due di strippaggio giorno vernice - uno di riempire le crepe giorno - una di levigatura - e due giorni di pittura. Un totale di venti giorni, ma ciò che un grande lavoro che è stato molto ordinato e attento, pulizia dopo di me, alla fine di ogni giornata. In realtà, è stato molto rassicurante sapere che se mai esaurito del pubblico per parlare con, e siti web per la progettazione, ho sempre potuto offrire per rinnovare le case Con il tempo il soldato tirato in piccola città, ogni camera d'albergo è stata presa . quotYouve avuto modo di avere un somewherequot stanza, si è dichiarato con un proprietario. quotWell, ho una camera doppia con un occupante, ma lui è un guyquot Air Force ha ammesso il direttore, e lui potrebbe essere felice di dividere il costo. Ma a dire la verità, lui russa così forte che le persone in camere adiacenti sono lamentati in passato. Non sono sicuro ITD essere la pena di voi. quot No problem. quot il ragazzo esercito stanco lo rassicurò, quotIll prendere it. quot La mattina seguente il soldato è venuto giù per una colazione con gli occhi lucidi e folta coda. quotHowd si sleepquot chiesto al direttore. quotNever betterquot, ha detto il soldato. Il direttore è stato colpito. quotNo problema con l'altro ragazzo russare tutta la notte longquot quotNo, l'ho chiuso in nessun timequot, ha spiegato il soldato. quotHowd gestire thatquot chiesto al proprietario. quotWell, era già a letto, russando via, quando sono entrato nella stanza, così gli ho dato un bacio sulla cheekquot spiegato il soldato. 8220Then, mi sussurrò all'orecchio: Buona notte bella, e si mise a sedere tutta la notte a guardare linkup me. quot GRATIS per gruppi di scambio comunità locali in tutto il mondo internazionale consente Gruppi Directory (le inserzioni e gratuito) La guida di oltre 1500 LETS gruppi provenienti da 39 paesi LETS Local Exchange Trading Systems lascia. è un gruppo di persone di una piccola comunità che tutti sono d'accordo per lo scambio di merci e servizi tra loro senza la necessità di denaro contante. CLICCA QUI per ulteriori informazioni su consente Ultimo aggiornamento: Mercoledì 9 marzo 2011 (scrivendo da Shanghai, Cina) Il Twist LETSaholic - Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere su LETS. ma non sapeva a chi chiedere. A proposito del libro Caro James, Grazie tanto per l'invio del meraviglioso e-book così prontamente. C'è così tanto consigli utili e tanti suggerimenti eccellenti che ho trovato a voler dare ai nostri membri del gruppo di base una versione digerito ma mi trattenne come spesso migliore per dare alla gente la possibilità di scoprire le cose da soli. Ma noi abbiamo una Fiera di Natale il Sabato e all'asta gli oggetti invenduti è una grande idea Naturalmente saremo lieti di accreditare in ogni brano possiamo usare nel nostro newsletter o manuale. Con un grazie e auguri,. Suzon (Forscey-Moore) Segretario appartenenza, CamLETS, Cambridge - 8 dicembre 2008) James, ho contattato voi in precedenza di ordinare un e-book, Il Twist LETSaholic. La sua davvero un buon libro Bene. abbiamo deciso di ordinare 20 libri con copertina morbida, per dare via come un regalo a tutti i LETS gruppi che visiteranno il nostro annuale LETS accadendo. . Erik (LETS Vlaanderen - 8 settembre 2007) Caro James, ho letto il suo libro (Il Twist LETSaholic) e l'ho trovato una grande ispirazione. la prossima volta che vieni in Inghilterra mi piacerebbe ospitare voi e avere qualche aiuto a dare il nostro consente di raggruppare una spinta. . Katy (Dorchester, Dorset - 6 gennaio 2008) Per ulteriori informazioni su LETS. Una molto triste incidente è accaduto a Bosse. Forse sapete già è morto, annegato nel suo bene. Dal momento che hai incontrato si era trasferito in un altro luogo nel centro della Svezia. Mi dispiace tanto per lui. Era un ragazzo favoloso e durante alcuni anni abbiamo avuto molto stretto contatto e cooperato in questioni di denaro. Amore e rispetto per voi e il vostro lavoro Marianne Paringsse (9 gennaio 2011) Viktor, il mio LETS ospite in Goteborg (Gothenburg) aveva organizzato un viaggio a Branno Isola con Melina (un LETS ricercatore in Italia), il suo ragazzo Eli, e Eli8217s genitori, Aldo e Marina, who8217d appena arrivato a Goteborg il giorno prima. Ma erano in ritardo per raggiungere il porto e perso il traghetto da solo un minuto o due. Viktor e ho avuto a bordo perché sarebbe un altro 2 ore prima il prossimo traghetto, e abbiamo avuto una persona importante in attesa di incontrarci. Bo Ljungqvist (pronunciato Bor Lioongvist) è un uomo molto magro, circa 58 anni, e si presenta come un eremita. Ma he8217s un ideologo preoccupati per i problemi del mondo 8230 che cercano di risolvere i problemi che sono chiamati 8216normality8217. Bo vive Branno, un'isola abitata da solo 800 persone, che è solo un breve tragitto in 10 minuti di traghetto da Goteborg, Sweden8217s seconda città più grande (situata sulla costa orientale). Fino a 3 anni fa l'isola era fuori dal campo per gli stranieri a causa della 8216sensitive issues8217 militare. E questo proviene da un paese che non è stato in guerra per quasi 2 secoli Anche se il loro status militare, storicamente neutrale ha dovuto cambiare di recente, quando hanno aderito all'Unione europea. In ogni caso, Bo ha vissuto su Branno per 30 anni e gusta il suo stile di vita naturale. Prima di tutto, le auto aren8217t ammessi sull'isola così cammina o bike8217s il suo modo per aggirare. E la sua casa è un progetto ecologico che si occupa di senza sosta. Bo era un docente universitario Human Ecology per 15 anni e he8217s messo gran parte di questa esperienza in pratica. Ha una grande cozzare serra al retro della sua casa e oltre a fornire una scorta infinita di verdure fresche aiuta anche a mantenere il calore e il freddo di entrare in casa. Ho ammirato i pomodori non appena li ho visti. 8220Help te, 8221, ha detto. Il pomodoro era deliziosa Sopra la serra, Bo aveva coperto l'intera parete con pannelli solari. Si poteva vedere la sua portata di mano-lavoro in tutto il mondo. In realtà, si potrebbe anche vedere il suo laboratorio 8230 nella sala lounge 8220Most persone don8217t così ho il mio banco di lavoro qui, ma io can8217t essere senza i miei strumenti, 8221, ha detto. Bo Ljungqvist. uno dei più interessanti LETS caratteri Ive incontrato. Ci siamo seduti fuori nel suo giardino incolto e selvaggio, naturalmente, mangiare pomodoro fatta in casa e marmellata di limoni sul pane. E continuava a tirar fuori il caffè caldo. Si stava godendo l'estate svedese calda e indossava solo un paio di pantaloncini neri, che contrastavano fortemente con i lunghi capelli bianchi sul petto e la testa, anche se molti anni di fumo gli avevano dato una barba macchiata di nicotina. Sorrisi mentre vagava dal tavolo per lavarsi le mani in un secchio vicino che aveva ancora l'acqua piovana in esso. E ho seguito l'esempio poco dopo. Una rigogliosa delle piante canna verde, alto più di 2 metri, è cresciuto nelle vicinanze. 8220I didn8217t penso che avrebbe fatto così bene, 8221, ha detto, it8217s 8220but cresce splendidamente. It8217s selvaggio si know.8221 Il canto di un gallo neighbour8217s era costantemente interrompe la nostra conversazione. 8220I pensato galli affollate solo al mattino, 8221 ho detto, e ho fatto un gesto che implica che I8217d piace sparare. Poi, come ho girato, ho visto un recinto di filo a pochi metri da me con un gallo nero solitario in esso. 8220Oops8221 ho detto, 8220Didn8217t capire che era il tuo rooster.8221 8220He corvi tutto il time8221, Bo ha detto. 8220The altro gallo che si sente è dall'altra parte della strada, e dispone di 5 galline. Quindi il mio è probabilmente solo geloso. Suppongo che dovrei ottenere un hen.8221 Una visita al bagno era un'esperienza ecologica. 8220As fino a quando ci si siede, tutto andrà al posto giusto, 8221, ha detto. Su attento esame ho scoperto che un 8216funnel8217 metallico è stato posizionato per catturare l'urina e dirigerla in un contenitore diverso da quello delle cose 8216heavy8217. Quindi, in questo modo egli è stato in grado di riciclare i rifiuti umani in modo più efficiente. Entro la fine della giornata abbiamo avuto un incontro in Bo8217s cortile, con un paio di vicini di unirsi a noi per una chiacchierata davanti a un caffè. Ma le day8217s linea classica è andato a Eli8217s mamma, Marina, dopo ho detto che in Cina, ho insistito per farsi fotografare con un grande rospo e il serpente prima che io li mangiavo. Lei couldn8217t sfuggire l'occasione, e con un grande sorriso, ha detto, 8220Then it8217s pericoloso per farsi fotografare con you8221 MESSAGGIO DEL BO. (24 novembre 2003) Oggetto: rinascita di un LETS su Braumlnnouml Island, Svezia gt Ciao James, sono felice e orgoglioso di dire che il nostro sistema Braumlnnouml Bytesring Svezia, con circa 30 membri è ora in funzione di nuovo. Tutto il meglio da, Bosse - Accounter ed ex-coordinatore. Una parola da James Taris 4 ott 2010 (estratto da The Twist LETSaholic) Comitato quotAny è solo buono come la persona più competente, determinata e vigorosa sulla it. quot (Lady Bird Johnson) IL 10 RUOLI COMITATO Il sistema di amministrazione di maggior successo che abbiamo avuto , nel LETS gruppi sono stato coinvolto con, era il sistema 10-comitato-ruoli 8230 in cui dieci membri sono stati votati in ruoli specifici della commissione da parte del LETS appartenenza. Dando i membri del comitato ruoli specifici, e dando loro l'autorità di esercitare le loro funzioni 8216to il meglio della loro abilities8217, l'amministrazione del gruppo ha ottenuto la libertà di cui aveva bisogno per avanzare a passi da gigante. Perché, perché, piuttosto che cercare di eseguire il gruppo portando elementi per la discussione a una riunione del comitato, una volta al mese, le decisioni potrebbero essere fatte da singoli membri della commissione responsabile per i loro ruoli specifici in qualsiasi momento della giornata, o giorno del mese . Si esercita la propria attività con più entusiasmo, accettando elogi per un lavoro ben fatto, e assumersi la responsabilità personale per posti di lavoro non-così-ben fatto. Qui ci sono i ruoli dei comitati che sono state assegnate nel LETS gruppi che è stata associata con 8211 insieme con le loro funzioni: 1 - Gruppo Coordinatore 2 - Riunione Segretario 3 - Cash Tesoriere 4 - Promozioni Coordinatore 5 - Composizione Coordinatore 6 - eventi Coordinatore 7 - Newsletter Publisher 8 - Directory Editore 9 - Sito Webmaster 10 - Ufficio Coordinatore con Office Helpers Nel corso degli anni ho notato che il successo di un LETS gruppo, proprio come qualsiasi altra organizzazione, era di solito il risultato di una buona leadership, cioè, avere un buon gruppo di Coordinatore. Qual è stato il nostro Gruppo Coordinatore dovrebbe fare 8230 NIENTE Ora che ho la vostra attenzione, lasciatemi spiegare cosa intendo per 8216nothing8217. La ragione più comune per un nuovo gruppo LETS 8216dying8217 era la riluttanza per i membri di sostituire un ritiro Gruppo Coordinatore. And why would they want to The typical profile of a LETS Group Co-ordinator for a newly formed group was like this: - had a passion for LETS - would seek help 8230 but would accept doing things themselves if they could not find anyone to help them, or their helpers were not doing their job well enough - thought about LETS twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. So, one day they would get out of bed and say, 8220Gee, that was a stupid thing to do. I was so comfortable in bed. I don8217t really need this LETS headache any more. Nobody helps me, nobody cares, and I don8217t get any thanks for it. And guess what 8230 I don8217t care any more either,8221 and they would go straight back to bed again, getting the best sleep they had had since they started their LETS group 8230 their LETS 8216baby8217. Of course, when a replacement Group Co-ordinator was sought, the response was always the same. 8220Are you kidding Jill looked great before she started LETS. In the last twelve months she8217s aged ten years Her hair wasn8217t always grey, you know.8221 8220I could never do what Jill did. She produced the newsletter, and the directory she arranged all the group8217s promotions she handled all the membership enquiries and organised the LETS events she kept all the member trading accounts, and goodness knows what else she did.8221 Yes, Jill had suffered from burnout, a very common problem affecting overworked, and overwhelmed, people in the workforce, businesses and organisations. HOW TO AVOID CO-ORDINATOR BURNOUT To avoid this happening in our LETS groups, I made several recommendations: First of all, the Group Co-ordinator should to do NOTHING That is, NOTHING ELSE but co-ordinate, or oversee, the activities of the other committee members. By sharing the workload with nine other committee members, nobody would ever get overwhelmed again, thus ensuring the survival and growth of the LETS group. In fact, because each committee role was reduced to only a small time commitment, whenever that role became vacant it was not hard to find another member to replace them. Actually, the best, and an often overlooked source for new committee members, were the new LETS members. They were keen about LETS and could earn LETS points while performing their new role. Our committee members were rewarded for their contribution, but not in cash, in LETS points. After all, LETS was perfectly placed to do that. Remember, LETS points were really just 8216thank yous8217 for 8216favours8217. Why wouldn8217t we show appreciation for the efforts of our committee members Their efforts kept our LETS group running. If we chose not to reward them, then it was like using slave-labour, and no one wanted to be treated like that. In our LETS groups, the reward amounted to ten points per hour, which was the basic hourly rate asked by LETS members for their services. So, a committee member who accomplished his tasks in four hours was rewarded with forty points, while another committee member who required twenty hours per month received two hundred points. All the roles automatically became vacant at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 8211 held each year. That allowed members to elect their preferred member for each role, though I cannot remember that ever being necessary. Most members were just happy to see a position filled. In fact, once a member had accepted a nomination they were virtually assured of getting the position. The reality was that several committee positions usually remained unfilled after the AGM. That was not seen as a problem, though. We just continued to advertise the vacant committee role in our monthly newsletter until it was finally filled. In the interim, the vacant roles were temporarily filled by the other committee members. Not jointly, but by several committee members taking on a second role. So, back to the Group Co-ordinator8217s role 8230 Apart from chairing a monthly committee meeting, the Group Co-ordinator was only required to keep in contact with each of the committee members to ensure they were able to fulfill their duties. That was it HOW TO RUN LETS MEETINGS Holding regular and productive LETS Committee Meetings is a crucial part of running any LETS group. Here are a couple of tips on how we ran our meetings: 1) Our meetings were open to all LETS members 8230 the more the merrier. In fact, members were even encouraged to participate in the meeting. Basically, each committee member gave a report on how their role was progressing. If they wanted any help, they asked for ideas, and any suggestions given during the meeting were just that 8230 suggestions. As each committee member was totally responsible for their own role, they decided which suggestions to accept 8230 if any at all (although suggestions were usually greatly appreciated and accepted). Rather than being a recipe for chaos, it worked quite smoothly, avoiding many debates and clashes (typical meeting scenarios). We did not worry about having a quorum in order to make committee decisions. As far as we were concerned, even if only two members turned up, all interested parties were present and would therefore make any group decisions that did not impose on any committee member8217s role. We felt that was a much better scenario than putting off decision-making for months on end if we could not get a quorum at our meetings. 2) We held our committee meetings at the same location as our LETS events, but they were held an hour earlier. There were several benefits from dong this. Firstly, it guaranteed we would have several more members at our events 8230 us Secondly, it guaranteed that the venue for our LETS event would be open and members would not be kept waiting outside if 8216the person with the key8217 was running late. Thirdly, it guaranteed that more new memberships would be obtained because guests would be greeted at the event by a committee member and encouraged to join. These four friends were so confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to go on a road trip and party with some friends from out of town. They had a great time. However, after all the partying, they slept all day Sunday and didnt make it back home until early Monday morning. Rather than taking the final then, they decided to find their professor after the final and explain to him why they missed it. They explained that they had gone to visit friends for the weekend with the plan to come back and study but, unfortunately, they had a flat tire on the way back, didnt have a spare, and couldnt get help for a long time. As a result, they missed the final. The Professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day. The guys were elated and relieved. They studied that night and went in the next day at the time the professor had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet, and told them to begin. They looked at the first problem, worth 5 points. It was quotList the reason why you were unable to take the test yesterdayquot. (5 points). quotCool, quot they thought at the same time, each one in his separate room. quotThis is going to be easy. quot Each finished the problem and then turned the page. On the second page was written: (For 95 points): quotWhich tirequot A monkey is sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks past and looks up and says to the monkey, quotHey What are you doingquot The monkey says, quotSmoking a joint, come up and have some. quot So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have a few tokes together. After a while the lizard says his mouth is dry and that hes going to get a drink from the river. The lizard climbs down the tree, ditty bops on thru the jungle to the river and leans over the river to get his drink. Well, the lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls into the river. A Crocodile sees this and swims over to the lizard and helps him to the side, then asks the lizard, quotWhats the matter with youquot The lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting in a tree and smoking a joint with the monkey and got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink. The crocodile says hes gotta check this hippie monkey out and walks off into the jungle where he finds the tree where the monkey is still sitting and toking on the joint. He looks up and says quothey youquot The Monkey looks down and says, quotffuuucccckkkk dude. how much water did you drink. quot A minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Davanti a lui è un ragazzo whos vestiti in occhiali da sole, una camicia forte, giacca di pelle e jeans. Saint Peter addresses this guy, quotWho are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heavenquot The guy replies, quotIm Joe Cohen, taxi-driver, of Noo Yawk City. quot Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the taxi-driver, quotTake this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. quot The taxi-driver goes into Heaven with his robe and staff, and its the ministers turn. Si alza eretto e Bracci fuori, quotI sono Giuseppe Neve, parroco di Saint Marys per l'ultima quarantatré years. quot San Pietro consulta la sua lista. Dice il ministro, quotTake questa veste di cotone e bastone di legno ed entrare nel Regno di Heaven. quot quotJust un minuto, quot dice il ministro. quotThat man was a taxi-driver and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. How can this bequot quotUp here, we work by results, quot says Saint Peter. quotWhile you preached, people slept while he drove, people prayed. quot One day an Irishman, who has been stranded on a desert island for over ten long years, sees an unusual speck on the horizon. quotIts certainly not a ship, quot he thinks to himself. As the speck gets closer and closer, he begins to rule out the possibilities of a small boat, then even a raft. Suddenly, emerging from the surf comes a drop dead gorgeous blonde woman wearing a wet suit and scuba gear. She approaches the stunned man and says to him, quotTell me how long has it been since youve had a cigarettequot quotTen years, quot replies the Irishman. With that, she reaches over and unzips a waterproof pocket on her left sleeve and pulls out a pack of fresh cigarettes. He takes one, lights it, takes a long drag and says, quotFaith and begorah Is that goodquot quotAnd how long has it been since youve had a sip of good Irish Whiskeyquot she asks him. Trembling, the castaway replies, quotTen years. quot She reaches over, unzips her right sleeve, pulls out a flask and hands it to him. He opens the flask, takes a long swig and says, quotTis absolutely fantasticquot At this point she starts slowly unzipping the long zipper that runs down the front of her wet suit, looks at the man and asks, quotAnd how long has it been since youve played aroundquot With tears in his eyes, the man falls to his knees and sobs, quotOh, Sweet Jesus Dont tell me youve got golf clubs in there too. quot A woman was out golfing one day when she hit her ball into the woods. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, quotIf you release me from this trap, I will grant you 3 wishes. quot The woman freed the frog and the frog said, quotThank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes - that whatever you wish for, your husband will get 10 times more or betterquot The woman said, quotThat would be okay, quot and for her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The frog warned her, quotYou do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in the world, an Adonis, that women will flock to. quot The woman replied, quotThat will be okay because I will be the most beautiful woman and he will only have eyes for me. quot So, KAZAM - shes the most beautiful woman in the world For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world. The frog said, quotThat will make your husband the richest man in the world and he will be ten times richer than you. quot The woman said, quotThat will be okay because what is mine is his and what is his is mine. quot So, KAZAM shes the richest woman in the world The frog then inquired about her third wish, and she replied. quotId like a mild heart attack. quot John was sitting outside his local pub one day, enjoying a quiet pint and generally feeling good about himself, when a nun suddenly appears at his table and starts decrying the evils of drink. quotYou should be ashamed of yourself young man Drinking is a Sin Alcohol is the blood of the devilquot Now John gets pretty annoyed about this, and goes on the offensive. quotHow do you know this, Sisterquot quotMy Mother Superior told me so. quot quotBut have you ever had a drink yourself How can you be sure that what you are saying is rightquot quotDont be ridiculous--of course I have never taken alcohol myselfquot quotThen let me buy you a drink - if you still believe afterwards that it is evil I will give up drink for lifequot quotHow could I, a Nun, sit outside this public house drinkingquot quotIll get the barman to put it in a teacup for you, then no one will ever know. quot The Nun reluctantly agrees, so John goes inside to the bar. quotAnother pint for me, and a triple vodka on the rocksquot, then he lowers his voice and says to the barman quotand could you put the vodka in a teacupquot quotOh no Its not that Nun again is itquot After 17 years of marriage, a man dumped his wife for a younger woman. The house was in his name and he wanted to remain there with his new love so he asked the wife to move out and then he would buy her another place. The wife agreed to this, but asked that she be given 3 days on her own there, to pack up her things. While he was gone, the first day she lovingly put her personal belongings into boxes and crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their candlelit dining table, soft music playing in the background, and feasted on a pound of shrimp and a bottle of Chardonnay. When she had finished, she went into each room and deposited a few of the resulting shrimp shells into the hollow of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left. The husband came back, with his new girl, and all was bliss for the first few days. Then it started slowly but surely. Clueless, the man could not explain why the place smelled so bad. They tried everything cleaned amp mopped and aired the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, carpets were steam cleaned, air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in, the carpets were replaced, and on it went. Finally, they could take it no more and decided to move. The moving company arrived and did a very professional packing job, taking everything to their new home. including the curtain rods. Wishing You a Merry Christmas At this stage the first edit is 8230 CLICK HERE TO READ MORE This site is designed and maintained by James Taris. and has been operating since 11th October 2001.Patterns, Set-ups, Analysis What is the Short Skirt Trade A SHORT SKIRT is a quick scalp trade made in the direction of the short-term trend. The setup occurs after the SampP has made a sharp impulse move. The pattern tends to look like a continuation flag on a 1-minute chart. We call it a Short Skirt because the trade usually lasts between 2 - 10 minutes. The concept is - quick in and quick out without getting caught. We try to look for Short Skirt setups that have the potential for a minimum of three points in the trade. An initial 3-point STOP is placed from the trade entry price. The objective for the trade is a retest of the previous swing high or low, even though the market often makes a new leg up or down. How do you enter Short Skirt Trades We watch for a price retracement of 2 to 4 points from the most recently formed swing high or low. For an untrained eye, it may be useful to watch the 20-period exponential moving average on a 1-minute chart, though the price does not always retrace that far. Sometimes the reactions that go sideways instead of back to the EMA can be the best trades. The initial price retracement lasts about 5 minutes. When the reaction back starts to stall, we usually enter a market order. It is ideal to enter the trade BEFORE the price starts moving back in the direction of the original trend. It is also most efficient to work a bid or offer as the price is correcting back down, but sometimes the type of order used is a matter of personal style. Since the price has already corrected back 2-3 points when a trade is entered, it is rare that the initial 3-point stop is hit. We tighten the stop up after the trade moves off in our favor. After the trade starts to work, immediately pull your stop down to the last swing high or low in case the market does not make a full retest back down. What is a BullBear Flag These patterns are taken directly from classical charting (Schabacker, Edwards amp Magee, etc.) and have withstood the test of time. Flags are a continuation pattern in a trending market. They are found on all time frames, all markets, and offer one of the better risk reward ratios for trade setups. A flag formation should be preceded by a pole or initial momentum move in the direction of the trend. The ensuing consolidation tends to be relatively shallow. Continuation patterns are much shorter than reversal patterns. The longer a flag goes sideways, the greater the odds that it will turn into a reversal pattern as opposed to leading to a new leg in the direction of the trend. What is a Grail Trade The Holy Grail trade was originally described in my Street Smarts book. The setup occurs when the markets trend has been strong enough to cause a 14-period ADX to rise above 30. When the price then retraces back to the 20-period EMA, odds favor a retest of the most recently formed high or low. What is an Anti Setup The Anti looks like a small bull or bear flag pattern that occurs either in the middle of a trading range or just after a market has reversed from a sustained trend move. Classic bull or bear flags are continuation patterns that can only occur in a market that has a well-defined trend. Sometimes an Anti will look like the middle retracement of an A-B-C pattern. Thus, we are able to get a measured move objective that is based off the prior swing. The Anti MUST be preceded by a short-term IMPULSE move. Buy Antis are more frequent than Sell Anti setups. The long trades will have the best odds of success if the prior up leg is GREATER than the previous down leg. Oscillator pattern recognition based on either the 310 oscillator or a 7-period K, 16-period D combination of stochastics can also be used to identify this setup. What is Momentum Pinball Momentum Pinball was originally introduced in the Street Smarts book as setup to indicate a Buy Day or a Sell Short Day ala George Douglas Taylor. Taylor looked to go short after 1-2 days of rally, and cover and go long after 1-2 days of decline. The pinball indicator is calculated by using a 3-period RSI of the daily net change. The Street Smarts book contains a complete and detailed description of this trade. (Momentum Pinball, Anti, Holy Grail, 8020 and 9010 bars, and 2-period ROC signals are some of my ORIGINAL concepts. It is repeatedly brought to my attention that there are individuals on the internet offering newsletters and courses based on my original copy-write protected materials. Please note that I do not have any affiliation or association with these entities.) What is an Oops Trade Oops is an expression originally coined by Larry Williams. The setup occurs when the opening price gaps outside the previous days range. A buy (or sell) stop is placed just inside the previous days range in case the market then closes the gap, indicating a reversal. The trade is best treated as a scalp trade and exited before the close. This pattern has no long term forecasting value. What are the main indicators you use on your charts We use the same indicators on all markets, all time frames. We use a 20-period EMA (exponential moving average), a price oscillator, and a 14-period ADX. The oscillator that we use is the difference between a 3 and 10 period simple moving average, with a 16-period simple moving average of the 310. We also use Keltner Channels based on a 2.5 ATR centered around the 20-period EMA. Keep in mind that indicators are just a crutch to tell you what is already there on bar charts. Many traders do best when they learn to read bar charts without the use of indicators, oscillators, etc. What is the Breakout Mode We use a breakout mode strategy when the market has had some form of range contraction. A trend day, or large range expansion day, often follows periods of range contraction, or small average daily ranges. When we are in breakout mode, we use strategies to enter in the direction the market is moving, instead of waiting for a reaction in the price. How do you measure market breadth, put call ratio, and volume Market breadth is monitored by looking at the number of advancing issues minus the number of declining issues on the NYSE. PutCall data is provided by the individual exchanges. We look at the equity only put call ratios, in addition to the index put call volume ratios. For putcall data updated every half hour, you can use this link to Chicago Board Options Exchange: cboeMktDatadefault. asp We look at the volume on the NYSE and compare it to readings made at the same time on previous days. What time frames do you look at. Our initial nightly analysis is always done off the daily and weekly time frames. During the trading day, we use 15, 30, 60 and 120-minute charts. For the SP futures, 1 and 5 minute charts are also helpful. Most often, though, we tend to watch the last price. A trader, who can monitor the basic support and resistance levels by watching the tape action, will often be one step ahead of the trader using bar charts. It is also easier to monitor multiple markets and market internals simultaneously when looking at a quote board instead of charts. Please define TICK, TIKI, TRIN, and VIX. TICK: This is the net change of all NYSE stocks on an uptick minus all NYSE stocks on a downtick. Plus or minus 1200 tends to be an extreme reading. in a trending market environment extremes in the ticks can be used as a momentum indicator indicating further price movement to come in the direction of the trend. however when the market is in consolidation mode, after it has already had a big move, ticks will mark the ends of the short term swings up and down. TIKI: This is the difference between all DOW stocks on an uptick minus all DOW stocks on a downtick. Plus 24 or minus 24 tend to be extreme readings. TRIN: The TRIN is also known as the ARMS Index after its creator, Dick Arms. It is computed as follows: (Advancing IssuesDeclining Issues) (Up VolumeDown Volume). We watch the direction TRIN is moving to indicate the overall trend of the market. For example, if the TRIN goes from .80 to 1.00, this would indicate selling is coming into the market. VIX: This is the Volatility Index that is based on the implied volatility of the at the money OEX puts and calls Most real time data feeds transmit these indicators. However, different data feeds may use different symbols. If you have any questions regarding symbol code, please contact your data vendor directly. What is a Z Day A Z day is a consolidation day that often follows a trend day. The morning period is characterized by a testing back and forth in the price action. We use a different set of trade strategies on these days than we do on other days. one of our favorite trades is the bollinger band trade. see bollinger band explaination in the FAQ What is an NR7 day An NR7 is a day in which the todays daily range (todays high price minus low price) is narrower than the previous six days. The significance of this pattern is that it represents a marked decline in price volatility. Range expansion and an increase in price volatility tend to follow an NR7 day. An NR4 day is similar to an NR7 day except that it represents a day in which the range is the narrower than the previous three days. Toby Crabel originally presented the concepts of NR4, NR7, WR7 etc. in his Market Analytics Letter written in the 1980s. We give credit to him for initiating research in this area. His original articles were published in the magazine, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. What is a WR7 day A WR7 is a day in which the todays daily range (todays high price minus low price) is wider than the range of the previous 6 days. The significance of this pattern is that it represents an expansion in price volatility. A trader can often buy or sell a test of the WR7 days high or low, on the following day for a scalp trade. What is the 2-period ROC The 2 period Rate-of-Change is todays close minus the close two days ago. For example, to get Fridays 2-period ROC, you would subtract Wednesdays close from Fridays close. The 2-period ROC is useful in highlighting a two to three day trading cycle as explained in the Taylor Trading Technique. Raw momentum is the only derivative of price that we have found to offer statistically significant results in our quantitative research. Our results with this indicator have proven to be durable and robust across all markets. What is Average True Range (ATR) The Average True Range (ATR) was introduced by Welles Wilder in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. ATR is a measure of volatility, and it is a component of the ADX indicator. ATR is calculated by finding the greatest value of: 1. The distance from todays high to todays low. 2. The distance from yesterdays close to todays high. 3. The distance from yesterdays close to todays low. The main difference between ATR and the plain daily range is that ATR takes into account gaps. What is a divergence A divergence occurs when a momentum indicator or other instrument fails to confirm a move in the price action of the market under observation. For instance, if the SP futures makes a new low in price, but the 310 oscillator fails to make a new momentum low, then the SP is said to be diverging from the oscillator. Likewise, if the SP futures make a new low that is not confirmed by new lows in a related market or index (for example the SP versus the Dow Industrials, or the SP versus the TICK), this is also considered a form of divergence. Divergences are useful in that they warn of a loss of momentum and often precede a reversal in price. What are Keltner Channels Keltner Channels are a form of trading bands plotted directly on top of a price chart, as opposed to beneath the price chart as in the case of an oscillator or volume. The bands are based on an ATR function centered around a moving average. We use a value of 2.5 ATRs added to and subtracted from a 20-period exponential moving average to create our bands. What is the difference between Keltner Channels and Bollinger Bands Bollinger Bands are based on a standard deviation function. Very often, you will see times where the market is moving HIGHER but the lower Bollinger band is declining. This does not happen with Keltner channels. Though both are based on a volatility functions, Keltner Channels will maintain a more constant width than Bollinger Bands and thus we find them more pleasing to our eye. We also have had much better success in using range functions in our quantitative modeling as opposed to standard deviation functions, especially when creating short-term timing systems. Bollinger Band trades we use 2.5 standard deviation bands centered around a 20 period moving average to make trades on the day following a trend day. we do these trades in the morning session only. the concept behind this is that a push to the upper or lower band will setup a countertrend trade. the objective is a push back to the moving average. no stops were used in our testing, we just used an exit of whenever the trade hit the moving average or end of day in the worse possible scenario. A-B-C is a term borrowed from Elliot Wave terminology that denotes a three-wave corrective pattern that is often found in the middle of a trend. Waves A, B and C are often of the same magnitude in both price and time, and the pattern tends to have the appearance of a zigzag. What are the parameters for the 310 oscillator To construct this oscillator, first subtract a 10 period simple moving average from a 3 period simple moving average. We often refer to this as the fast line. Next, create a 16-period simple moving average of the fast line - we refer to this line as the slow line. It is also useful to plot a horizontal line at the zero value. We plot all three lines together on our charts beneath the price. For some indicators, such as the 310 oscillator, we provide subscribers with downloadable TradeStation code files. When we refer to the EMA, we will always be referring to a 20-period exponential moving average. This line can be thought of as a proxy for a regression to the mean in a trending market. It has little value in a trading range market. Unlike a simple moving average, which takes the average price of the last X periods, the EMA method takes a weighted average of the most recent price and the average price from the bar before. What size stops do you use In general, we use an initial stop of 5 points in the SP futures unless specified otherwise. For scalp trades in the SPs, we use a 3-point stop. In the domestic futures markets, we use a fixed 500 stop per contract unless specified otherwise. If there is an unusual expansion in volatility, we will use wider stops and lower our leverage. Stops should be tightened up as a market moves off in your favor. In stocks, we recommend using stops to limit losses to no more than 2 of your working capital. How do you enter positions In determining whether to use market, limit or resting stop orders to pull us into a trade, we assess the liquidity conditions and the type of market environment (i. e. trending, choppy, etc.) Each trader must ultimately find their OWN style that works best for them over time. Do you have resting stop orders in the market The great majority of the time we keep our stop orders resting in the market. The exceptions tend to be when a gap opening is expected, in which case we let the market settle in first, and then place our stops just outside of the early morning range. The other exception is when current liquidity conditions are poor and we have a large position on. This has been the case in certain markets such as coffee, where it is preferable to let the broker work an exit order within a fixed time window. How do you place your orders in the SP futures We call most of orders directly to the futures pit. However, over the past few years we have been using the e-minis with electronic order entry as well, especially as liquidity has been shifting to this market. What do you mean when you refer to premium The fair value premium is the theoretical futures price minus the cash index price. Fair value describes how far the futures contract should be trading above or below the cash index given expected dividend income for the stocks in the index, the number of days to expiration for the futures contract and the short-term interest rate. When the SPs are trading at a premium or a discount, we are referring to a situation where the futures are trading above or below their fair value. What is the historical volatility ratio This is the ratio between two different lengths of historical volatility (for example, the ratio between 25-day and 100-day historical volatility). We use this indicator to alert us to times when short-term volatility has declined below longer-term volatility by a certain percentage threshold. These signals are often precursors to increasing volatility. What is the BOBO - on your trade sheet These are the parameters for a proprietary volatility breakout system that we trade during certain periods. A buy is triggered on a break above the upper number and short is triggered on break below the lower number. What is the Golf System Golf is a proprietary system that enters the SP futures on the CLOSE. LBRGroup published this system in an advisory service between 1993 and 1998. We also traded it on a mechanical basis for our managed futures program. We stopped trading it mechanically when the overnight volatility became too great during the Asian crisis, though we still use it as a timing indicator. It is based in part upon the 2-period ROC and bar chart patterns. What is the afternoon 2-point trade The 2-point play is not a chart pattern. It is something that we started doing real time in October 2004. It is not a mechanical system though either, since there is no fixed stop other then a time stop. The time stop is 24 hours. It is a tendency based on pattern recognition (number of days up or down along and degree of trend). It is something that we started doing for ourselves originally, and other members have started using it as well. Trades are initiated on the reopening of the Emini contact after the market closes (i. e. the beginning of the Globex session). Very often the 2 point objective is hit in the Globex session, which is why we do not work these trades for the room, but just put in what they will be for your own knowledge. There have been times where the 2 point objective is not achieved until the day session the next day. Of course there will be a times where the objective is not achieved at all, also. What is the RAT trade The Rat trade is an afternoon breakout trade we make in the SPs on days where there is heavy institutional activity. It is not based on a specific chart formation, and the parameters and filters for this trade are proprietary. What is the Last Call trade This is a trade made in the last hour of the day in the index futures. It is similar to the Push into the Noon Hour time frame that we make in the morning. (Members can reference this in the Trade Library Setup). The Last Call setup is based on a combination of bar chart pattern recognition and market breadth parameters. What is a Pivot Point This can be a previous swing high or low, or visible chart point such as the high or low of a gap area. Globex highs and lows, along with the previous days high and low are all forms of Pivot Points. We do not use Fibonacci numbers or arbitrary calculations. We are interested in levels that ALL market participants are aware of, as would be the case with a key high or low. What are the Red Green Red patterns on the bar charts that you post This color rule is based off an average true range function added or subtracted from the previous swing high or low. It is a variation of the parabolic stop and reverse formula published by Welles Wilder in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. We find that it provides useful pattern recognition in highlighting the short-term swings on a bar chart. General Trading Related Questions Tick Charts vs. Time Interval on most software applications a 1600 tick chart of the sps would be equivalent to a 5 minute chart. and a 3600 tick chart is similiar to a 15 min time frame. we prefer to use these type of tick charts in the early morning session since they adjust the globex trading relative to the activity level. day session only charts on a 5 min interval can be too gappy, while 5 min charts on a 24 hours basis tend to be distorted. What is relative strength and relative weakness that we talk about in the online trading rooms Simply put, a stock or sector that exhibits relative strength is performing better than a related index, such as the SP500 or Nasdaq. Relative weakness would be a sector or stock that is under-performing a benchmark index. With commodities, the relative strength leader is the one that is performing the best on the day. The early morning relative strength leaders usually continue to perform the best throughout the day. What are the SPY amp QQQ The SPY and QQQ are Exchange Traded Funds. They represent a basket of stocks mimicking the composition SampP 500 and Nasdaq100 stock indexes. They trade on an exchange just like individual stocks and can be sold short on a downtick. In essence, they allow you to trade the entire stock index much like the SP or Nasdaq futures. However, unlike futures contracts, the QQQ and SPY do not expire and are not leveraged instruments. How do you watch so many markets The majority of the time, we watch a quote board which gives us last price instead of watching charts on each individual market. This way we can monitor numerous price levels in addition to various market indexes and market internals. If we want to look at the charts on a particular market, we pull up a screen that has the 30, 60 and 120-minute time frames. The SPs and occasionally the bonds are usually the only markets where we will look at charts on a shorter time frame. Positions in most other markets are entered with the intent of carrying a winning position over night. Why do you look at so many stocks Stocks that are market leaders can often turn before the stock index futures do. This is particularly true of the high beta momentum stocks. Monitoring individual sectors and relative strength can add valuable information regarding the overall technical condition of the market. We limit our database to only the top 250 trading stocks. What kind of broker should I use Avoid brokers with browser-based order entry systems. Use a broker that offers a fully integrated trading platform (stand alone software) with point and click order routing and execution. You will have to do your own research in deciding which company to do business with. If you are not happy with your current broker, it is very easy to try another. We maintain accounts at multiple firms and feel that it is important to have multiple relationships in case there is ever a problem with one firm or a geographic disruption in one part of the country. What data feed and software programs do you use Real Time Data feeds: How can I see what happened each day in the online trading rooms For LBR Futures Live and LBR Stock Beat, we post transcripts of each days activity on our website. These transcripts are available in the Members Services section of our website. For LBR Currencies we do not archive transcripts. However our Currencies room will be open 48 hours, giving members the ability to easily reference the previous days information. I want to join your service. What do I have to know about the stock market Though prior knowledge and experience are not strictly required, it is important that you understand that trading involves risk. Our online trading service is educational in nature and will be of best value to you if you can monitor the markets real time. I still have another job. Can I trade part time Yes. You decide on the pace of your learning. You might start out part-time and decide later on whether this could be the start of a new career for you. Remember that the time and energy you put into learning will pay off down the road. However, we have yet to come across a trader able to consistently support themselves by trading part time. Ultimately trading is a full time job, and many people new to the business are often surprised by the long hours professional traders devote to their study of the markets. How many trades do we make each day There is no normal day, and the number of trades varies with the volatility of the stocks and futures contracts that we are trading. However, we find it better to be patient and wait for a few well thought out high probability trade setups, than to settle for marginal trades. We find that when traders start overtrading, they get sloppy and make mistakes. I cant be near a computer all day - do you have any other suggestions for me Our Basic Online membership offers set-ups and trading ideas that can be implemented without the need for watching the screen during the day. These trades include option plays and longer-term stock swing trades. How long does it take to learn to trade successfully In our experience, the average length of time it takes for a person to be able to trade with the consistency and confidence necessary to make a decent living is about three years. Some people are never able to do this, as they are unable to master the mental side of the game. A few people have been able to find their niche quickly and show consistent profitability after just 6 months. This is the exception though. What are the most important things a day trader needs to succeed What methods are available for accessing the chat rooms We offer all members two methods for accessing our live chat: 1. Stand-alone software method 2. Browser based method Both methods offer the same connectivity speed and deliver the same information. We find that most people prefer the stand-alone software method for its features, such as multisingle window viewing modes. After you login (click on Futures Live, Stock Beat or Currencies buttons located in the upper left side of our home page ) you will come to a page with complete information for accessing both methods, including instructions for downloading our stand-alone chat software. Note: our live chat system will not permit running both methods simultaneously. Nor can you run our chat system on two separate computers, simultaneously. What is the video feature all about, and how do I access it Begining in June 2006, we upgraded our stand-alone chat software to include a direct video feed into Lindas computer. All members of Futures Live and Stock Beat will have access to this feature, at no additional cost. This feature enables you to see the actual charts and indicators Linda and her staff uses as they set up trades and make calls in the chat rooms. For mor information about this feature, click here. Do I need the latest version of your chat software to access the video feature Where do I download the latest version of your chat software The latest version is available by clicking on either the Futures Live or Stock Beat buttons located in the upper left side of our home page. After you enter you username and password, you will be given an opportunity to download the program file. Can you show me in more detail how to log on to the Browser Based chat system For full instructions, click here. How do I get web links (aka hyperlinks) to work in the chat window I click on them, but nothing happens. When you place your mouse over a link in the chat rooms, the link will not change its appearance like you would normally see on a standard web page. Do not be alarmed, this is normal. You need to place your mouse directly over the link, and then double click. Your Internet Explorer browser should then open. ALSO -- the link must be all on one line in the chat window. If the link is broken up over two lines, then simply re-size your window to get the link back to one line of text. I cant get the chat software to work. If you are using any kind of pop-up blocker or firewall devices on your computer, this may adversely affect and possibly even prevent the chat software from functioning. Check to make sure you have the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. The latest version can be found here . Note our minimum system requirments: - High Speed Internet Connection (DSL or Cable modem) suggested - Win98, NT, 2000, XP - Java-enabled Internet browser (may require Microsoft Java Virtual Machine to be updated or installed or the SUN Java Runtime Environment: java. sungetjava) NOTE to System Administrators: Our live chat applications were designed to use direct Internet connection. If you are using NAT andor a firewall system, it should permit outgoing connection to the port 8523 of our server (lbrgroup). Also port-mapping may be used on your Internet gateway. What are Open Forum rooms used for Open Forum rooms are special rooms just for members to talk amongst themselves. These rooms will have a blank text field beneath the window, where you may input your comments. After typing, to send your comments to the room, simply hit your Return or Enter key on your keyboard. How do I send a private message You may send private messages to other members as well as to the room moderators. Simply place your mouse over the name of the person you wish to send a message to, and right click. Then select Private Session. This will open up a new window for you to send and recieve your private message. After typing your message in the text field located at the bottom of the chat window, hit your keyboards return key to send the message. Note that the list of member names and moderator names will only apear in the Open Forum rooms, on the right hand side. How do I adjust the font size Both the stand alone and the browser based chat methods allow you to adjust your font size. Simply place your mouse over any text area within the transcript window, then right click your mouse. You can then select a custom font size from the list. What other user-controlled adjustments can I make on the stand alone software In the stand alone software, place your mouse over the small blue icon located in the upper left hand corner of the chat window. Next, select any of the following controls: - Multi Window mode . changes from single window mode to multi-window mode. - Always on Top . keeps the software from becoming obscured by other software applications running on your computer. - Play Sounds . turns on and off all room audio sounds. - Play EMA . turns on and off the subtle typing sound when messages are being broadcast into the main rooms. How do I enable the copy, cut and paste functions in the chat applications This requires adjusting the security settings on your web browser (Internet Explorer). Please click here to access a PDF file with detailed instructions for changing these settings. File requires Adobe Acrobat viewer. General Website Questions How can I cancel or change my service In the Member Services area of our web page, you will find links to Modify my Profile . How do I ask questions Sending us an email is the easiest way. Please see the Contact Us area of our web site. How do I print text found on your web site pages To print the class transcripts, guest lectures or other text items (without also printing all the formatted headers and other content on the page) heres what you do: 1. Simply select the text with your mouse (i. e. highlight the area you want to print). 2. Right click your mouse and select copy. 3. Open up Microsoft Notepad (look under Start--gtPrograms--gtAccessories--gtNotepad) and then simply paste in the text (right click mouse and select paste). 4. Voila -- you are ready to print the text (make sure youre printer is turned on) 5. For charts simply place your mouse on top of the chart - then right click - and save as to your hard-drive. Go to the saved file, click on the file to open it, and proceed to print. How do I print Charts 1. Right click your mouse on top of the chart you want to save, and select Save Picture As. 2. Save the chart image file to your harddrive. 3. Open chart image file by double clicking on file, then select Print from the Edit menu of you software. Why do charts print with such a dark background color Virtually all charts on this site are created with Aspen Graphics software. We realize that they do not print well with a dark background. We apologize for the inconvenience. The trade off is that we are able to manipulate the color rules and write our own formulas to show you unique and useful trading patterns. Why does it say no gaps on some of your charts in the Daily Educational Charts These charts are generated by Aspen Graphics. No gaps means that the data is compressed to eliminate holidays where the markets are closed. If this function is not turned on, a gap will appear in the data for the holiday session. ADX . Trend strength oscillator originally developed J. Welles Wilder Jr. that fluctuates between 0 and 100. BEAMER . Nickname for IBM BEAR FLAG . Classic bar chart pattern that occurs in a trending market, a bearish continuation pattern. BEAR TRAP . A bear trap occurs when the market breaks below chart support, bringing traders in on the short side, then quickly reverses, trapping traders with losses. BREADTH . The difference between the number of advancing issues and the number of declining issues on the NYSE. BREAKOUT TRADE . A trade that occurs when the market breaks above or below some pre-define range, usually a nearby support or resistance levels such as the previous days high or low, or the last 60 minutes highlow. Breakouts are often associated with low volatility readings. BULL FLAG . Classic bar chart pattern that occurs in a trending market, a bullish continuation pattern. BULL TRAP . A bull trap occurs when the market breaks above chart resistance, bringing traders in on the long side, then quickly reverses, trapping traders with losses. BURNING DOG . This is the phrase used to describe the tendency for the SPs to retrace back into a gap area by N - amount after a gap of N-amount. Though we make trades off this pattern in the futures room in the morning after a gap on certain days, this phrase describes a tendency only, and is not a mechanical trade setup. COMPRESSION METER . LBRGroups proprietary volatility index used to signal potential for longer term breakouts. COWS . Nickname for the Live Cattle futures CREEPER MARKET . A market that slowly creeps higher without a significant retracement. One of the strongest types of trending action that does not catch peoples attention. DISCOUNT (SPs) . When the price of the future is trading lower than fair Value DIVERGENCE . A divergence is indicated when momentum fails to confirm a new low or new high in the price. Divergences usually show up best with oscillators such as the 310 and 535 MACD. EDGE . Term used to describe when a trader has the advantage or a favorable margin. It is even better when this margin can be quantified statistically. EMA . Exponential Moving Average. We use a 20-period setting EQUILIBRIUM LEVEL . The point at which buyers and sellers are in balance. Coincides with a neutral chart point that is often at the end of a consolidation period. EVENT RISK . The risk that some unexpected event will cause a substantial change in the market value of a security. For example, missed earnings, lawsuits, crop failures, war, etc. FADE . A countertrend trade FAIR VALUE . Fair value reflects the relationship between stock index futures and the indexs current levels. It is a theoretical estimate of where the futures should be trading based on their underlying cash index with short-term interest rates and dividends factored into the calculation. Determining the fair value relationship between the SampP 500 futures contract and the underlying SampP 500 index requires adding the cost of borrowing the money to buy the SampP 500 stocks, while subtracting the gain these stocks pay in dividends. FILL OR KILL . This means do it now if the stock is available in the crowd or from the specialist, otherwise kill the order altogether. GOLF . A mechanical trade that is made in the SP futures that is entered on the close of the day. GRAIL . A trade set-up based on a pullback to the 20 period EMA after the 14 period ADX has risen above 30. Pullback in rallies are bought, and pullbacks in declines are sold short. This pattern was discussed at lenght in Street Smarts. IMPULSE . Increase in the market momentum. Impulse moves tend to happen in the direction of the trend. On a bar chart they have the appearance of a sharp markup or markdown. INSTITUTIONS . Mutual funds, pension funds, banks, and large commercials KELTNER CHANNELS . A trading band indicator that is displayed on top of price charts. Similar to Bollinger Bands but calculated differently, using true-range rather than standard deviation. LAST CALL . Trade that setups up in the last hour of a trend day LOAD THE BOAT . Use full line of leverage MACD . An oscillator based on the difference between two moving averages. We use the difference between a 3 and 10-period simple moving average MARK UP . A Wyckoff term, used to denote the phase of the market where prices rise, from the beginning of a bull market to its top. MARKET LEADERSHIP . Market leadership refers to those sectors and industries that are currently bringing in the best returns. MARKET ORDER . An order to buy or sell a stock immediately at the best available current price. A market order guarantees execution. MIT . Market-if-touched order. An order which becomes a market order if the specified price is reached. MOC . Market-on-close order. A buy or sell order which is to be executed as a market order as close as possible to the end of the day. MOMENTUM . The difference between the last price and the price N-numbers bar. A 2-period Rate of Change (ROC) is the same as a 2-period Momentum. NAZDOG . Nickname for the Nasdaq100 index. NAZDOGGIE . Name of Linda8217s adorable little Pomeranian. See photo gallery . NR7 . The narrowest high-low range of the past seven days. OODA . The OODA Loop, often called Boyd8217s Cycle, is a creation of Col. John Boyd, USAF (Ret.). Col. Boyd was a student of tactical operations and observed a similarity in many battles and campaigns. He noted that in many of the engagements, one side presented the other with a series of unexpected and threatening situations with which they had not been able to keep pace. The slower side was eventually defeated. What Col. Boyd observed was the fact that conflicts are time competitive. According to Boyd8217s theory, conflict can be seen as a series of time-competitive, Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action (OODA) cycles. OOPS TRADE . A term originally coined by Larry Williams which refers to a market that gaps below the previous days low (or above the previous days high) and then quickly reverses its direction. OOZE . Down trending price action that slowly inches down without any upward reactions of any magnitude. One of the strongest forms of trending action. OPENING BULGE . Period after the opening when the public has a tendency to pay too high a price. OPENING PLAY . The markets first tendency of the day OUCH SETUPS . When a market Closes in the upper 75 of its range but then gaps lower the next day around the previous days low (vice versa to the upside). OVERHEAD SUPPLY . Are where the market had found support in the past but the price is currently trading lower. PEA SHOOTER DAY . Our SP brokers affectionate term for when the institutions are absent and the majority of the paper in the SP pit consists of 1s and 2s. PIVOT . A market reference point. Our most frequently used pivots are swing highs and swing lows such as the high and low of a daily bar or the highs and lows of the hourly cycles. POWER BUYSELL . A retracement formation that combines two time frames. For a chart example of this setup, members can reference the trade library setup. PREMIUM (SPs) . When the price of an index future is trading greater than Fair Value. PUSH INTO THE NOON HOUR TIMEFRAME . Trade that setup around 11:00 EST on a trend day RAT TRADE . An afternoon breakout trade that is made in the LBRFutures Room RESISTANCE . Area where Sellers have come in the past. ROBUST . Refers to a method or system that is profitable across a variety of markets, time frames and parameters. It is the opposite curve-fit or optimized. SCALP . A Short-term trade that capitalizes on the markets smaller fluctuations. SHAKEOUT FAKEOUT . A sharp downward move following an area of distribution that quickly reverses itself and comes back up through the distribution area. SHORT SKIRT . The name of a very short term pattern trade taken on a one-minute SampP and Nasdaq futures charts. A form of pullback trade on a very short time frame. SKIDS . Slippage or the difference between the price that a stop order was placed and the actual fill price. SLOP AND CHOP . Action in the market when institutions are absent and liquidity is poor. SMA . Simple Moving Average SPRING . Originally a Wyckoff term, is used to denote an impulsive move often associated with a test of support. See also Upthrust. STOP ORDER . An order that becomes a market order when the price touches that level. SUMTICK . LBRGroups proprietary summation Tick index SUPPORT . Area where buyers have stepped in the past. SWEET STUFF . Nickname for the sugar futures THREE PUSHES . A characteristic pattern that occurs near important turning points. Usually three distinct test of a high or low level, followed by a reversal. 3 OCLOCK JIGGLE . A scalp trade that sets up in the SPs around the time that the bonds close. TICK . Smallest increment that a price can change. 1 tick on an e-mini contract .25 points, which is the equivalent of 12.50. TICKS . The difference between the number of issues on the NYSE that are trading UP from the last trade versus the number of issues that are trading down. TREND DAY . A day where the market opens on one end of its range, closes on the opposite end, shows range expansion and has an increase in volume. TRIGGER . Level at which a trade will be initiated if a market trades to that price. TRIN . The TRIN (also know as the Trading Index and the ARMS Index) was invented by Richard Arms in the 1970s. It is calculated as follows: (Advancing issues Declining issues) divided by (Advancing volume Declining volume). If the index is above one, the average volume of stocks that fell on the NYSE was greater than the average volume of stocks that rose. If the index is below one, then the converse is true. UPTHRUST . Originally a Wyckoff term, is used to denote an impulsive move often associated with a test of resistance. See also Spring. VIX . VIX è una misura ponderata della volatilità implicita per 8 OEX opzioni put e call. VIX represents the implied volatility for this hypothetical at-the-money OEX option. VOLATILITY . The range of the price action over N - Number of bars. WEDGE . A low volatility point in which a triangle type formation can be drawn on the bar charts. The market can break out in EITHER direction from this formation. WHIPSAW . Is when the market rapidly reverses its direction several times in succession. WIRE . Nickname for the Copper Market Z DAY . A consolidation day that typically follows a trend day.
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